These are some of the publications I have written over the years:
2018 Andersson, Edward; Bedsted, Bjørn & Rask, Mikko ‘Democratic innovation in transnational and global governance,’ In Handbook of Democratic Innovation and Governance (2018) Elstub, Stephen & Escobar, Oliver (Eds.) (London: Edward Elgar)
2011 Andersson, Edward & Shahrokh, Thea (2011) ‘Crossing boundaries with deliberation: but, where are we going?’ in Citizen Participation in Global Environmental Governance Rask, Mikko, Worthington, Richard and Lammi, Minna (editors) (London: Earthscan)
2008 ‘User Involvement and Influence’ in Wilson, Frances & Mabhala Mzwandile Key Concepts in Public Health (London: Sage) (with Walid El Ansari)